Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trains, trains and more trains...

Dylan has trains on his mind 24/7 and I know he even dreams about trains. Daddy was on a mission at Christmas to find Dylan a Lionel train and bought the Polar Express electric train.
Dyl has been a little cranky the last week so I have been bribing him (bad mommy). I told him if he woke up in a good mood, didn't fight with his sister and cry or whine I would take him to the local furniture store that had a Lionel train display. So this morning he woke up happy, ate breakfast without whining, was overall a pleasant little boy I know he can be. I dropped him off at school and told him that if he behaved all day, I definitely would take him to see the model trains. So 2:15 rolled around and as soon as I walked into his classroom he announced "i've been such a good boy all day mommy, time to go to the furniture store!" I followed through on my end and now Dylan is on a train-high now and cannot wait to get home and put the tunnel up on his Lionel train...boy of boy he LOVES his trains...


Alana Goldstein said...

special treats are not considered bribering. Don't fret! I bet he is so excited.

Alana Goldstein said...

oops I meant bribing