I hope my girls know one day how fortunate they are to have a big brother. I prayed every day when I was growing up for a brother but got four sisters. Being the oldest I always had to be the responsible child and make sure that I set an example for my sisters. When I was pregnant with Brynn, Dylan was too little to understand the concept of having a baby brother or baby sister. He was thrilled, however, when Brynnie arrived because he was the only boy. Then when we told him that he was getting another sibling, he said for 9 long months he wanted a baby brother named Thomas that he could play trains with (of course). We opted not to find out the sex of our 3rd baby and keep it a surprise. When Emily arrived Stephen and I pretty much flipped a coin to decide which one of us was going to break the news to Dylan that the baby brother that he wanted to badly was actually another sister.
My son was thrilled, to say the least, that he had another baby and has not once in 7 weeks mentioned not having a baby brother. He adores Emily. He draws her pictures at school (again of trains since Emily is one of the characters from Thomas the Train). He put his little wooden Emily train on her dresser in her bedroom because he wants his sister to have it. He's a wonderful big brother. He heads the kids off at school from touching his sister because they have germs. He'll actually put himself between the carseat and the kids and will inform them "YOU HAVE TO WASH YOUR HANDS TO TOUCH HER!!!" He'll sing to her, lay by her and just hold her hand, feed her bottles (for about 20 seconds until his interest goes elsewhere).
When it comes to Brynnie, Dylan has no patience but he does love to play with her. They'll spend the mornings playing hide and seek, trains, house, tea party and dress up. Of course Dylan is Spiderman or a Pirate. He's been caught snuggling on the couch with Brynn to watch tv, they'll hide in our living room and eat candy (which they both know they're not supposed to be doing). They'll chase eachother around the island in our kitchen or pretend they are dinosaurs. They will sit for hours and color, do puzzles together or read. There are days when they are fighting, taddling on eachother or just plain mean to eachother but I do know that there's a lot of love.
Dylan is an overprotective big brother. He's very sweet (for the most part) when it comes to his sisters.
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