My daugher Brynnie is REALLY into horses lately. She fell asleep as soon as she got into the car when we left Strasburg. I made a quick B-line to Pottery Barn Kids Outlet to do a little shopping and when I got back into the car, Stephen and I thought that we should find a Horse and Buggy ride so Miss Brynn could do something she would enjoy doing. Dylan DID NOT want anything to do with going on a buggy ride but after we literally dragged him onto the buggy and the horse started trotting down the road, his tune changed. Brynn absolutely loved every second of this ride. We stopped at an Amish farm that had a little store (of course I bought Emily a bonnet) and the kids were able to see all kinds of animals and Dylan got a chance to pump water for the horses in the barn. Such a different, interesting life the Amish lead....makes me appreciate the finer things in life (like electricity!)
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