How could I possibly forget to post a Happy 8 month b-day to my baby girl? Bad mommy!!! I thought that once Em got a little bigger life would be easier...couldn't be further from the truth. Emily is now 8 months old. She's 19 pounds, has 6 teeth and is finally starting to grow some hair. The little booger is crawling, says "ma ma" (LOVE IT) and adores playing and chasing Dylan and Brynn around. The kids are enjoying the fact that Em can actually sit and play now. Dylan was waiting for Emme to interact more with him and I was surprised how sweet he was with her on Saturday when my little swiper grabbed one of the trains right off of his track and his response was "oh baby you can't play with that". There was no screaming fits or tattling. I was impressed. Brynn loves crawling around chasing Em and playing ponies. We are having a little sharing issue with the girls but eventually Brynn will get the fact that baby toys are for babies and she's a BIG GIRL now.... Anyway here's a pic of my little beauty.
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