Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday School

Today was Dylan's second Sunday School class for the winter session. I must say how much I enjoy doing this with him. He is at such a wonderful age he absorbs almost everything he sees & hears. He has been fortunate the last two weeks to be the only child (other than his sister) in his class so he gets one on one attention from the teacher. I was impressed that he remembered last week's lesson & after the teacher read him today's story, he repeated it back to her. The teacher knows how much Dylan loves Thomas the Train she brought special "Thomas" paper for him to make a Valentine at the end of class. What a fantastic experience for both of us.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Adam informed me today that Dylan was coming to his birthday party. It is cute. I loved how he ran in there and gave him a hug. I am glad our kids can grow up together too. :)