Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brynnie is 9 months!

This morning I woke up and realized my sweet baby girl is 9 months old today! I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. She's crawling all over the place and this week started cruising alongside the couch. Her big brother started walking when he was 9 months old and although I'm not ready for her to start walking, we are preparing ourselves for "Walking Brynnie". She's pretty funny the last couple of days because she's opening drawers, pulling things off of shelves, slamming doors, etc. I guess my baby is growing up and it makes me a little sad. We are planning her first birthday already and before you know it Spring will be here


Julie said...

I love the idea of putting the picture of her when she was first born, I was going to do the same thing when it was closer to their birthdays. It is crazy how they grow so fast. It is fun to see her newborn picture though, you can tell it is her. Our babies... what are we going to do?! I guess try to soak it up as long as we can. :)

Alana Goldstein said...

Happy 9 months Brynnie!!!
Another early walker... how cool or what did you do to deserve that again?? just kidding. I am hoping BB waits until she is like 12 months or more unlike her sister.