Dylan had an epiphany about two weeks ago that it would be a really good idea to have a lemonade stand and sell cookies. He was trying to think of a way to make money to put away in his bank account so he can build a castle when he grows up (this boy is too much). He said that he saw on a tv show once that a little girl sold lemonade and she made money doing it. I never want to discourage my children to try things and Stephen and I were quite impressed that he came up with this on his own.
When I was in the Dollar Store last week I picked up a piece of yellow oak tag and he wrote "Lemonade for sale" and drew lemons on his stand. I was away this weekend with my aunts visiting family and was pretty happy when Stephen sent me a pic of Dylan sitting at his lemonade stand. He is quite the little entrepreneur and surprisingly made a lot of money Saturday afternoon!
adorable! Love it!
it's in his blood!
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