Monday, July 12, 2010


The day finally arrived....nationals! The boys were SUPER, SUPER, SUPER excited to go to nationals this year which was close to home (well sort of) in Cherry Hill, NJ. The highlight of the boys day was when they saw the Grand Master, the grandson of the man who designed this form of karate, up close. They were speechless (and that doesn't happen often) that they actually were going to meet the Grand Master, nevertheless, the Grand Master was going to watch them do their karate forms! I was impressed at how important they know the Grand Master is to their art!

The Nationals was a wonderful experience for both boys. They were able to compete with children from all over the United States (people travelled from as far as Hawaii and California) and it was a day they will not forget! Dylan did wonderfully and I was very proud that he did his form correctly, scored high and was incredibly close to winning the sparring competition.

At the end of the tournament, they received metals and Dylan was all smiles when he got the "spirit award".

Nationals next year is in San Diego, California--way to far for this mommy to travel so I'm happy we were able to join other members of our do jang and participate in this wonderful day.

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