We finally had time to cut up those pumpkins last night. Stephen and I were agonizing over this because now we have 3 children which means 3 pumpkins, tons of pumpkin guts and fighting over who was gonna go first...well my children surprised me--there was no arguing or fighting at all! Dylan refused to clean any guts out of his pumpkin (not surprising). Brynn got right in and ripped all of the goo out of her pumpkin. She LOVED every minute of it. Em was as happy as could be watching us and checking out her finished product--Stephen said her pumpkin's face looked just like Emme.
It was tons of fun!
Go Brynn! Brave liitle Chicken!
was Em walking around her pumpkin?
Sounds like a fun night at the Poley house!
If that Pumpkin had wheels on it, Emily DEFINITELY would have been pushing it around like a walker. The Jack o Latern kept cracking her up
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