How could I possibly forget to post about our first real Christmas Tree? When Dylan was a baby I was so hesitant to get a real Christmas Tree because he started crawling right around Christmastime and would put everything in his little mouth. I was completely paranoid about him poisoning himself with pine needles that I immediately dismissed the idea of having a real tree until our children were old enough. The other problem I run into during the holidays is I had emmence guilt if I didn't get my Christmas Tree up on Thanksgiving Day because that was a tradition that my father started with us, and my grandfather started with his children.
My children know that right after the parade Thanksgiving morning, I go in the basement while our turkey is cooking and we start digging out all of our holiday decorations. I told the kids that this year would be special because we were starting our own tradition, the Sunday after Thanksgiving we would go to a Christmas Tree Farm and cut down our very own tree. Dylan was thrilled but a little apprehensive. The boy has watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation one too many times and was petrified that there would be a squirrel in the tree.
Anyway, the Sunday after Thanksgiving was unseasonably warm. Stephen and Dylan got into the truck and I followed behind them with the girls. We located a tree farm which had beautiful, fat trees which I love. It didn't take long until we found our perfect tree and the "men" started cutting it down. Brynn and Em got in on the action too. It was a wonderful experience and I have to say, our tree did not shed that many needles! There's nothing like the scent of a pine tree in the house at Christmastime!
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