The day of the Pumpkin Party finally arrived! Oh how excited my children have been to put their costumes on--I attempt every year to buy costumes for the kids that are warm since you can never anticipate Halloween weather in Sullivan County. Against my better judgment I gave in to Brynnie's request to be a mermaid and attempted at the last minute to dress her up as a Pumpkin (of course did NOT fly).
Dylan has been obessed with the medeival era for the last year so he was a knight again this year. Brynn wanted to dress up like Ariel (the little mermaid) so she was a beautiful (but yet cold) mermaid. I wanted to dress Emme up as a peacock in the worst way this year but unfortunately the costume has been backordered and I was not able to purchase it in time for the party this past Saturday. I found a butterfly costume at Children's Place and I have to say she was a very cute little 'bug'.
The day was goregous and you could not have asked for a better Fall weekend...
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