Thursday, March 5, 2009

The joys of a 2 month old...

I forgot how wonderful it is to have a baby in the house. Seriously. Everyone remembers screaming, unhappy Brynnie who cried for hours on end which lead to extremely stressed parents and big brother. Emily is so much like Dylan. She's happy and totally laid back. She now smiles, laughs, makes noises. She will watch me walk around a room and is so content just swinging in her swing or sitting in her papasan chair. I can put her in a carseat and go anywhere without a complete meltdown. Brynn never and still, cannot travel by car. She just doesn't like her carseat. As I type this, Emily is sitting in her swing "talking" to the fish mobile. I'm enjoying every minute of my last baby...

1 comment:

Julie said...

That is so wonderful that she is so good! It would be the worst if she was a terror. I am afraid for me honestly. Van was such a blessing, I don't know what I am for this time around!