Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Who'd believe that we'd get 3 + inches of snow BEFORE HALLOWEEN!!! Dylan was thrilled driving home last night watching the neighborhood kids on their sleds and making snowmen. As soon as we pulled in the garage he fished out his shovel, gloves and snowpants and was ready to go outside and shovel like daddy does. The kid had the best time. Unfortunately I didn't have snowboots for Brynnie or snowpants so she had to watch her big brother from inside. Dylan had an absolute ball!


Julie said...

I can't believe you have that much snow!!! We have none. Adam kept saying, it's not snowing because there isn't any on the ground! :) I feel like I am getting old because I usually enjoy the winter but this is just a little too soon for me.

Alana Goldstein said...

we did nothave nay either. not sure I want to move over that mountain now! Ha!!