Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party

I have been behaving myself all week long, "resting". The weather was absolutely horrible Saturday that the kids were stuck indoors. I remembered that we had Halloween Parties to go to. Both kids tooK 4 HOUR naps Saturday so I knew we had to do something to run their energy out at 5:00. We put the kids costumes on and headed over to a indoor Halloween Party. It happened to be at one of my doctors' houses so I parked my buttocks down and let the kids enjoy everything that was planned. There was an indoor haunted attic, haunted basement that had tons of little stations set up with Halloween themed games, a pinata, old fashioned dunking for apples and tons of fun. Dylan was just excited to be able to wear his Spiderman costume. We put Brynn in her princess dress for the day since it is easier for her to walk in. We left the party around 10:00 p.m and the kids were pooped out. It was a ton of fun (and daddy even had a FABULOUS TIME!). Here's a pic of Dylan "bobbing" for apples. He refused to stick his face in the water so when he thought no one was watching, he grabbed an apple out of the was hilarious---look at his "deer in the headlight" face when I caught him cheating.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Too bad you couldn't have made it to ours. :( the kids had a good time.