Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kindergarten orientation

There's only one week left of preschool for my little boy. We've been talking up kindergarten for the last couple of days to get him excited about orientation. He couldn't wait for me to pick him up from school yesterday so he could check out the NEW school. However as soon as we walked in, I think he was a little overwhelmed. We went to the Kindergarten classrooms, checked out the cafeteria, the "hill", met the music teacher and went to the library. Dylan was less than thrilled. I think he was dissappointed because he didn't get to see what school bus he is going to be assigned to. He did play with two friends from t-ball that I was surprised he would be in the same grade with. I snapped a pic of him eating his snack...i think his face sums up what he thought....

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