Surprisingly it is now a NYS requirement for your child to have a dentist visit prior to beginning school. In my opinion it is a good regulation since most children don't see a dentist regularly. Dylan has had some traumatizing experiences with dentists in the past and we typically drive to Westchester so he can see Dr. Patel who specializes in pediatrics. I have been looking for someone closer to home (and tried SEVERAL local dentists that were not acceptable). My aunt suggested Dr. Cohen's office in Harris. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend Carol from his office! She is a woman with the ability to relate to children, explain things and get the job done! Dylan was smiling when we left the office and told Carol he will see her in 6 months.
We go to a pediatric dentist down in Middletown and I am very happy. There are two different pediatric dentists down in Middletown, I go to one and my friend goes to another and we are both very pleased. Let me know if you want more info. Van had his first visit last summer I think? Or maybe even right before he turned two. Both kids have had good experiences.
Yeah, it's a good regulation. It's there to make sure that one field of a child's health is good, so it's important to visit the dentist. Indeed, the ideal location would be someplace nearby. The longer distance can worry children, as they feel kind of lost in an unfamiliar place, making the dental appointment tenser for them.
- Kathy Frederickson
That could be a nice school program. It’s very essential for our kids to visit the dentist at least thrice a year. Having that kind of setup helps keep the cavities away.
- Janelle Forman
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