Thursday, March 25, 2010


The countdown has begun and in less than 24 hours, the Poley Family hits the road! The bags are packed, the car is cleaned and the kids are super excited! I'll try to post daily pics of our first OFFICIAL family vacation--

Monday, March 15, 2010


Ahhh spring is in the air and before all of the snow melted, Stephen brought the snowmobile home one night last week so the kids could finally go for a ride (that they have been begging to do since December)

Emily loved riding around with daddy, Brynn isn't a fan of cold weather and was pretty much done after one quick circle around the house, but Dylan couldn't get enough! Maybe next year we'll be able to find a kids snowmobile and he can follow daddy around on the trails.

Watching the snow melt now puts a smile on my face and I can't wait to see the snowmobile leave our house and go back to the shop!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Holy moly have I had enough of the snow this year! Thankfully March is here and it appears that it has come in "like a lion" so I'm hoping it exits "like a lamb". We are counting down the days until the Poley Family hits the road and heads to Myrtle Beach for some fun in the sun (hopefully)

My 3 children spent HOURS outside over the past 5 days! Aunt Deanna and Aunt Danielle came over Friday, with their snow gear, and were prepared to be exhausted making snowmen, snow forts and sleighriding. My nephews Ryan and Joey spent the night Thursday and were just as eager to get outside and play. Thankfully Ryan was over so he could shovel paths to the backyard and to the middle of the frontyard so a snowman could be put together. Unfortunately I didn't remember to bring my camera outside when I took the baby out to play but I did get some pics from our kitchen mid-storm Thursday when the kids headed outside the first time to try to get to the trampoline. I'm praying for warm weather to arrive soon and melt this stuff already!


I have watched my kids at great length the last week play together and interact. Since we live such a busy life these days, it's not a typical occurrence to have all three kids together for any time span longer than 2 days. Dylan goes to school every day, has karate 5-6 days a week, Brynn and Emily go to daycare 5 days a week and once a week Brynn and I have a day together when we go to Little Gym in Middletown. Library classes start again shortly and that is when life REALLY begins to get chaotic for mommy.

Since we were literally snowed in for 5 days, I had the opportunity to spend lots of quality time with all 3 kids. What surprised me the most was how much they wanted to read books this past week. We did play outside, watched movies, played trains and baked, but all three kids wanted me to sit and read to them.

Stephen and I always read to our children, and I have to say I think this is why my children's vocabulary is that of much older children. I'm glad I splurge and spend money on things like books and it was great snuggling with them and bonding with them since quality time doesn't happen often. What tugged at my heartstrings the most was when Brynn and Emily sat in their chairs and Brynn started 'reading' to was so sweet and I quickly had to grab my camera

First official haircut

Miss Brynn had her first official haircut last week. She has had her bangs trimmed here and there but she really needed to have the length trimmed because her mane was out of control! (Seriously it reminded me of a mane because her hair was constantly in her face)

Sierra is the only person my kids let cut their hair. I think Dylan has a little crush on her but Brynn LOVES Sierra. I had a sick pain in my stomach even thinking of cutting her long, beautiful (when it's brushed) hair but I knew it had to be done.

My big girl couldn't wait to get beautified! Sierra cut about 2 inches off of the back and it was the best thing we could have done. Her hair looks so nice and neat now and much more manageable! Brynn will be back again in 6 months for another quick trim