Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Em is 11 months AND Is walking!

Miss Emily Grace turned 11 months on Saturday and on Sunday started to walk! My little chunka munka will take about 5 steps then fall down. Where has this year gone? I know you read that every single month but seriously, Emily's first year is flying by. I already ordered her invitations for her first birthday and they are sitting on my desk at home waiting to be addressed. What a terrible time of year to have a first birthday but no matter whether her birthday is spent with just us and her brother and sister, family or friends, she'll have a memorable one!

Oh the joy this month is going to bring---she's already tearing things apart (literally), pulling stuff out of my cabinets, climbing the stairs, and touching things she shouldn't.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

She is sooo cute and I can't believe she's already walking!I SO know what you mean about the first year flying by and all of a sudden they are getting into anything and everything and you are babyproofing. My how the times fies.... Happy almost year Miss Em!