Friday, June 12, 2009
Packing up the baby stuff...
I have been organizing my house all week long. Emily's closet was getting a little out of control. I spent an entire morning going through her drawers, pulling out all of the newborn and 0-3 month clothes, newborn swaddlers, sorting through the stuff I am keeping, and stuff that can either be sold, or given away. I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed packing outfits away that all 3 kids wore. Reality of Emily being the last baby pretty much set in and made me sad but thinking about how horrible my pregnancies were and how early Emme was makes me appreciate that we made the right decision and I should enjoy every minute of the baby stage. It's already flying by. She'll be 6 months in two weeks and I'm already figuring out themes for her birthday party. As I type this, my sweet girl is sitting in her seat cooing and laughing watching Dora with her big sister. I wish I could just freeze this age and to all of the mommies out there the baby smell!!!!
Grahamsville Gallop '09

Dylan has been asking for months when the Grahamsville Gallop was going to happen this year. Stephen and I enjoy the Gallop because it is hysterical watching these little ones run on the track. Some kids don't get past the starting line but then there are kids like mine who freak out a little bit, but manage to finish the race. Brynn was apprehensive at first and started screaming and crying at the start line but she finished the race and came in 4th place and got a cute metal. She wasn't very photogenic after the race but I did manage to snap a pic of her prior to the races beginning...( year Brynn and Emme are in the SAME exact race...should make for an interesting ride home...)
Dylan kept saying all week that he was going to run faster than fast and get a trophy to add to his collection. We kept reminding him that it was important to run and FINISH the race, more than how big his trophy was going to be IF he even got a trophy. Well he gave it his all, and started crying half way through the race because he saw a kid ahead of him, which happens to be one of his friends. He was devistated because he didn't win BUT on the ride home we told him how proud we were that he finished and he finally said that he LOVED his trophy and can't wait until next year...oh brother!
School trip

I had my first experience on a school field trip. The kids were crushed, to say the least, last Tuesday when rain forced the school to reschedule their class trip. Thankfully, the rain held off Friday morning for a little while, so we were able to finally able to go to the Center for Discovery for the Pre K class trip. It was freezing and drizzling, definitely not summertime weather. The kids were so excited to see the animals and walk through SDTC. They were able to take cart and pony rides, pet and feed donkeys, and play with a very rambunctious ferret (ewww) and hold snakes and turtles. Unfortunately it started to downpour and the trip was cut short, but I think all in all, the entire class was able to get out of school for a couple of hours with their parents or grandparents and enjoy the morning.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Every morning

Every morning in my house is the same thing. Both Dylan and Brynn fight over who is going to entertain Emme. Em is pretty oblivious to what is going on but laughs at her siblings who say "I love the baby more, NO I LOVE THE BABY MORE". Now it's entertaining but I'm sure once the baby starts playing with their stuff, pulling their hair or starts whailing, they aren't going to feel the same way...
Swipper swiper

I am training my kids to start helping around the house more. Honestly I cannot find the time to keep the house as neat and clean as I would like to, but having two kids that want to try to help clean is starting to make it a little easier. Sunday night Dylan begged me (yes BEGGED me) to use the Swiffer Wetjet. He said can I "swipper swiper?". I couldn't figure out what he was talking about and after arguing with him, I finally realized that he wanted to swiffer the floors. "Have at it" was my response. He had a great time doing it AND did a pretty good job too....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sunday School picnic

The party celebrating the end of Sunday School was immediately after church this past Sunday at a local fireman's park. It was quite breezy out, compared to last year when it was over 90 degrees. We had quite a turn out and the kids enjoyed eating (of course), playing with their friends and watching daddy win the potatoe sack race (yes ladies and gentlemen my husband participated and WON the sack race)....So much fun! Emme was able to finally meet the members of our church which was also nice. I've been a bit of a germaphobe with Emily so she hasn't been properly introduced to her church family yet---I know shame on me!
Sunday School

The last day of Sunday School was this past Sunday. I was pretty good about taking the kids every Sunday morning this past Fall but once I started bedrest, it was pretty much impossible getting the kids there. Both Brynn and Dylan were in the pre-K class. They had a fantastic teacher who my kids adore. They were both upset when I told them that Sunday was the last class until September but they had a little party for Pentecost and got to eat cupcakes at 9:00 in the morning so that immediately put smiles on both of their faces. Thanks Mrs. Marler! See you in September
Emme rolled...

Emme hangs out on her mat now and will play for quite a while (as long as mommy is in plain view). She rolls from back to belly and the other night rolled from belly to back. She will scoot so I know crawling is going to be right around the corner. Time to babyproof yet again (you'd think I'd be a pro at that by now)
HOT day
School playground

I'm again falling behind on this blog (sorry mom)...two weeks ago I took the kids to play at the TVCS playground. It's a lot of fun for the kids there because it's pretty big and there's lots of little places to hide in the castle. I enjoy watching the kids play there because it was built the year Stephen and I graduated high school. Brynn follows Dylan around like a little puppy dog there and they hide and chase each other around. Next year I can see little Emily walking behind them trying to play with her siblings. Oh not ready for that.
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