Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Our daughter has had a word explosion within this last week. She says so much these days it makes it easier to communicate with her. Here are some of her words "Dee" (which means Dylan), Hi Ya, Da-da, Mama, dog-dog, duck, baby, doll, quack, juice, cup, up, down, milk, pop-pop or gampa, cookie, cacker (cracker), out, woof, oo-oo (monkey), hon (phone), num num (food), some, NO (which she says 1000x a day), car, sing (swing), tub, nigh nigh, bottle, etc.

I'm very impressed because she's only 15 months and is going to be a talking monster soon....oh yeah, let's not forget Brynnie's memorable "squeal/screach"---She'll be known for that for the next 20 years.

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