Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Vacation Bible School
I have been coordinating our church's Vacation Bible School program now for 4 years. Year after year Dylan has tagged along with me but has been too young to really participate. This year he FINALLY was old enough to be a member of the Yellow Group (little ones). He had a ton of fun and spent lots of time giggling and singing the songs with his friends. He's already asking when we are going to do this again---that's always a good sign that I did a good job--
Grahamsville Fair
Since we had such a busy week between Vacation Bible School and Danielle's wedding, I got to spend some time with the kids and decided to take them to the Grahamsville Fair. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and Dylan only got to ride 5 or 6 rides. I think the kids enjoyed the 4H building and heavy equipment displays more than anything else. Honestly, this pregnant mama wanted the gyros and funnel cake---come on, you know there's nothing better than a gyro from any fair! Brynnie now shares my love of the greek food---what a gal!
Our daughter has had a word explosion within this last week. She says so much these days it makes it easier to communicate with her. Here are some of her words "Dee" (which means Dylan), Hi Ya, Da-da, Mama, dog-dog, duck, baby, doll, quack, juice, cup, up, down, milk, pop-pop or gampa, cookie, cacker (cracker), out, woof, oo-oo (monkey), hon (phone), num num (food), some, NO (which she says 1000x a day), car, sing (swing), tub, nigh nigh, bottle, etc.
I'm very impressed because she's only 15 months and is going to be a talking monster soon....oh yeah, let's not forget Brynnie's memorable "squeal/screach"---She'll be known for that for the next 20 years.
I'm very impressed because she's only 15 months and is going to be a talking monster soon....oh yeah, let's not forget Brynnie's memorable "squeal/screach"---She'll be known for that for the next 20 years.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bounce houses...
I love watching my two kids when they have the opportunity to bounce in bouncehouses. We always rent one for the kids' birthdays and now that Brynn is bigger she giggles as soon as she sees one blown up, knowing that she's going to get inside it and have fun. We went to a birthday party over the weekend and both kids spent a majority of their time in the bounce house laughing and playing. They are getting so big so fast.
Thomas the Train 08

Last year Dylan and I took a road trip to PA to see Thomas the Train at Strasburg Rail Road. The day was fantatic, the museum was unbelieveable and Dylan had a smile from ear to ear the entire afternoon. Since Dyl is such a fan of Thomas I did some research to see when we could take another daytrip to see Thomas. This year I kept it a surprise from him until the night before and we invited my nephew Joey to come with us since he also is now interested in Thomas the Train. We got up early and drove 2 hours to Connecticut for the Day Out with Thomas. I was disappointed because I was expecting a similar experience as last year. We stayed about an hour, rode on Thomas, danced and sang with the children's entertainer, got balloon animals and headed home. Brynn was very excited when she saw Thomas on the tracks and started yelling "choo choo". Next year we'll defintely have to go back to Pennsylvania
Thursday, August 7, 2008
When we renovated our kitchen over a year ago I was pregnant with Brynnie. On the top of my list of wants was a large enough sink where I could bathe my kids. When we grew up, our mom always bathed us in the kitchen sink when we needed a quick cleaning. Brynn's new favorite place for a bath is the kitchen sink. I think it's because it's her size, she can watch tv from her bath and loves splashing away. Here's a pic of our little wet "chicken".
4 months...
So I'm quickly approaching my 5th month of pregnancy which is hard to believe. Dylan took a belly shot for me the other day. The beautiful summer weather is going to turn chilly and fall will be here in less than two months. Before you know it, the snow fill fly and the baby will arrive.
Secondhand toys
Secondhand toys are the best. I totally forgot that we had a teeny tiny power wheel that Dylan got for his first birthday. I ordered the charger from the manufacturer and now Brynn and Dylan enjoy hours of fun driving around.
Tighty whities
My son LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to go outside in this outfit and play.....thank god my neighbors have a sense of humor
Four Wheeler

Dylan is enjoying his latest outdoor toy....a Power Wheel 4 wheeler. He loves riding around on the driveway & racing around the yard. We have such a hard time getting him to keep a helmet on when he rides his bicycle but he asked for his snowmobile helmet before he even started riding the 4 wheeler to "protect his brains". Brynn even enjoys Dylan's new toy. I think by next summer he's going to need a real 4 wheeler....we'll see...
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