Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy 4th BirthdayDylan Patrick

My sweet baby boy Dylan is quickly growing up and becoming such a little man. It's hard to believe that 4 years and 8 months ago we were pleasantly surprised with the news that I was expecting and 4 years ago today he came into our lives at 8:02 a.m, weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. He has filled my heart with so much joy.

Being the first child is always a challenge because you are expected to set an example and all of sibilings will be compared to you. Dylan since the day he was born has been such a happy boy. He's incredibly bright and makes me smile every day I look into his big blue eyes. He is always asking questions and into something to try to figure out how and why it works.

I have never met a child that adores trains like him. He can carry on an adult conversation with just about anyone, all you have to do is say "hey do you like trains?". He sat with his great grandfather on Sunday morning and they had a 20 minute long conversation about where all of the train stations were located in Sullivan County in the early 1900's.

Dylan is such a sweet boy that will do just about anything for his little sisters. He may act like a tough guy, but be mean to any of his sisters and watch out! He loves laying in mommy and daddy's bed in the morning and snuggling with the girls so they can watch cartoons before they get dressed to go and, on occassion, you will see Dylan and Brynnie up in her room and they will play with her dollhouse or they will play with her kitchen and it is the sweetest thing.

I can always count on Dylan to be my mushy child. He'll say to me on occassion "hey mom let's lay on the couch and snuggle bug". He is always hugging and kissing me and telling me how much HE loves me. I cannot say enough about my only boy. We love him to pieces and hope he has a very special birthday. I just hope time slows down so we can enjoy you at this age.


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Dylan! I agree, there is a lot of resposibility for the first born but it's so nice to see how he looks out for his sisters and always will. What a special time for parents I think to remember back to the day their child was born. Good job mom!

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Dylan - hope you have great day!!

Amy said...

Aw, what a terrific post! Love that last photo of Dylan.