Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 2 of the snow

The snow lasted longer than I had expected it to so Dylan and Brynn were able to get outside the day after it snowed to play. This was only the 2nd time Brynn ever got to play out in the snow. Last year she was sick most of the winter with RSV so I didn't bring her outside to play much. She had such a great time riding in the sled and just throwing snow. The snowsuit she is wearing is the snowsuit my father in law bought for Dylan when he was 9 MONTHS OLD!!!!! Yes my little peanut is wearing a snowsuit that her big brother wore as a baby. It fits her perfectly and even though it's camo, we accessorize it with lots of pink.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I CANNOT believe how much snow you had!!!! We had none! I saw it the other day though plowed to the side of Neversink Firehouse. And today we are outside with no coats. Who knew!