Monday, July 14, 2008

Messy baby!

I think I will always think of my kids as babies. For example Dylan is sometimes known as "Baby Dylan", Brynnie is either called "Chicken" (and I think she think's her real name is Chicken) or Baby. My babies are growing up so fast, and soon we'll have a new addition. It makes me sad thinking about how time flies. An example is now little Miss Independent will only eat if she feeds herself. It's interesting and pretty funny to watch. It has been so hot out I decided to let her try to feed herself ice cream. She's doing pretty well using a spoon but what a mess she makes! She really enjoys herself and look at this smile


Alana Goldstein said...

Sher looks so much older in this picture. It hasn't been that long since we have seen you guys. They are growing too fast!

Amy said...

Awesome picture! Look at those bright, happy eyes!